Zona Arcade. Construye, Restaura y Decora tu Máquina Arcade y Pinball.

Posts written by lasthome

view post Posted: 24/8/2013, 00:17     Hyperspin: PC Arcade Games - ~Gestores de Juegos
Aprovechando que tengo un momento y que esta clase de hilos me gustan os paso mi lista de juegos para PC.

Another World 20th Anniversary edition:



Bit Trip Runner:









Cave Story +:



DuckTales Remastered:



Dust an Elysian Tail:



Dusty Revenge:















listado en construcción.

Feliz vicio!!!

Edited by lasthome - 24/8/2013, 04:17
view post Posted: 10/8/2013, 22:53     Hoy cumpleaños el moderador BALLE- - ~Presentaciones y Celebraciones
Bueno parece que fue ayer cuando te felicitaba por tu cumple y casi sin enterarnos nos llevamos otro año más a las espaldas... espero que lo disfrutes un montón con los tuyos y esperemos que este año aprendas a jugar al G&G

Feliz vicio!!!

@Kusagami buff vaya tela... aquí DIOS no pinta ni deja de pintar estamos felicitando a BALLE- por su cumple... para hablar de DIOS o Aznar o el Ratoncito Peréz hay otros foros...
view post Posted: 8/8/2013, 17:36     Problemas de resolución Taito Type X2 - ~Emuladores, Simuladores y sus Archivos
Pon más datos, ¿con que front-end usas y a través de que "emulador" lanzas los juego?s.

Feliz vicio!!!
view post Posted: 8/8/2013, 17:32     Juegos que van muy lentos o no van... - ~Juegos
De que sistema estas hablando? ya que puede ser debido o a problemas de configuración, a que los juegos no estén 100% emulados o que tu equipo no "tire" lo suficiente.

Feliz vicio!!!
view post Posted: 27/7/2013, 00:17     Mercenary Kings - ~Juegos
Deambulando por la red y buscando info sobre juegos retro me he dado de bruces con un juego 2d de nueva hornada (2013) tipo "Metal Slug". La verdad que viendo capturas de pantalla puede parecer un mero clon, pero nada más lejos de la realidad, esos gráficos pixelados esconden un juegazo de acción que en nuestras macas quedara de lujo.


El juego empezó como un proyecto crowdfunding en Kickstarter de la mano de Tribute Games Inc. y la verdad que fue un éxito y rebaso la cantidad que se habían propuesto alcanzar para poder crear el juego.

Mercenary Kings: Es un juego de acción (frenética) en 2D a lo 8-16 bit , eres parte de un grupo paramilitar llamado los "Mercenary Kings", el grupo de mercenarios a sueldo más más letales de la Tierra, tus compañeros han caído a manos de las temibles fuerzas de CLAW (garra) cuando se hicieron con el control de una isla-laboratorio secreto, debes hacer lo necesario para detenerlos.

El juego todavía esta en early acces en steam (fase beta) y aún no se puede disfrutar del todo pero la verdad que apunta maneras.

Feliz vicio!!!
view post Posted: 18/7/2013, 14:11     EL RENO RENARDO - Game Over - ~Vídeos Arcade
Aunque tiene su cosita por las cosas que nos recuerda, creo que no llega al nivel de otras como por ejemplo nacido en los 80 que es simplemente brutal. De todas maneras gracias por el enlace.

Feliz vicio!!!
view post Posted: 16/7/2013, 17:00     Cuadro casero de "TRON" - ~El Cajón Arcade

estas hecho un pedazo de artista tío. Ya te imagino con la BSO de Daft Punk a toda leche...

Feliz vicio!!!
view post Posted: 14/7/2013, 20:06     Mega Man Revolution - ~Juegos
Megaman Unlimited ya esta listo para descargar aquí.

MMU – Download

Well, after 5 years of working on this almost every day, here it is. So many things have happened over the course of 5 years. My life has changed a lot since then and it’s kinda hard to believe the project is done. If you would have asked me 6 months ago, I’m not sure I’d have really believed it was going to be finished.

Now Megaman, you’re the reason I got into drawing and game-making. For your 25 years anniversary, here is what I give you: A game powered by sheer dedication and five long years of my life — 5 long years of our lives.

I along with Jansim, Gab and Kevvviiinnn; sincerely hope you guys will enjoy the result of our hard work.
– Phil

Feliz vicio!!!
view post Posted: 13/7/2013, 00:53     Mega Man Revolution - ~Juegos
Este julio los seguidores de la saga original de Mega Man (la de nes) estamos de suerte ya que hace poco salio a la luz un juego homebrew llamado Mega Man Revolution.


What is it?

So who made this thing?
Mike Crain has been a fan of Mega Man since he was about six years old and eventually wanted to make his own Mega Man game. He got together some of the most brilliant minds out there he could find to piece together what is known as Mega Man Revolution.

What is the history of the game?
Mega Man Revolution started as a vision when Clickteam’s Klick n’ Play was still in existence more than 10 years ago, but due to the lack of capabilities in the program (namely an inability to scroll the screen) and a lack of knowledge with conventional programming code, the project was unable to start. The Games Factory eventually came out a couple of years later and the project was green lit. The game originally had Wily Wars style graphics with recoloring and Quick Man and Heat Man in place of Haste Man and Pyre Man respectively. It was on one unfortunate day that a program called Windows Washer unintentionally and involuntarily erased all the project files and the game went dormant for roughly 10 years. One day while Mike was residing in Australia, he decided to start the project up again because he only had a netbook that couldn’t handle much of anything that he wanted to work on. All of the robot masters were given a total make over since they looked somewhat bland originally and two brand new ones were created with the help of other people such as OmegaForte and Michael de Jong. Mike Crain also decided to take the game in the direction of NES style with as much authenticity as would be possible on Multimedia Fusion 2. The original project being destroyed was possibly a blessing in disguise since The Games Factory was much more limited compared to Multimedia Fusion 2 and the project was of much lower quality than it is today due to experience and tools available.

So what is it?
A Fan Game (A non-licensed game made by a fan of a game or an anime) of the epic series made by Capcom, ‘Mega Man’. With brand new bosses and stages that Mike came up with.

Thus making Mega Man Revolution.

He tenido tiempo de probar el juego y merece la pena los gráficos y sonidos nos recuerdan mucho a los de la nes y la jugabilidad y la dificultad están (casi) a la altura de los originales.

SI no tenemos suficiente solo tenemos que esperar hasta el 14 de julio, fecha en que podremos jugar al también homebrew Mega Man Unlimited.



Platform: PC – Windows

Release: July 14th 2013

Requirements: At least 500 MBs of free RAM

Follow our progress on the Megaman Unlimited Facebook Page

Planning, Game Design, Level Design, Background Design, Character design, Story, Pixel Art & Sound effects by Philippe Poulin.

Gameplay Programming by Jean-Simon Brochu and Gabriel Leblanc

Game Engine by Gabriel Leblanc.

Music by Kevin Phetsomphou, Yan Thouin and Philippe Poulin.

Megaman Unlimited is a Megaman fan-game in the classic 8-Bit NES style both in sound and visuals. It is similar to Megaman 3 and Megaman 9-10 in design philosophy. MMU is made by fans for fun. It is not related to the official series’ canon. We are not making money with this project, as the Megaman brand is the property of Capcom.

This project has been under development for roughly 5 years, working in our free time after work nearly every day.

While in the NES 8-Bit style, Megaman Unlimited is made using currently existing technology and thus won’t work on an NES or on an old computer. Our goal was to have fun making this game and not necessarily following every technical limitations of the NES.

Check the Megaman Unlimited FAQ for more information.

8 robots have gone on a rampage and are wreaking havoc on the city and throughout the world! The robots are Dr. Wily’s creations! However, Dr. Wily claimed that the robots are not under his control and has vowed to help fix the problem along with Dr. Light…

But just as they both start to work on their investigation of the mysterious force that took control of Wily’s robots, a shadowy figure breaks into the lab and kidnaps Dr. Wily!

Dr. Wily: “Help!!!”

Dr. Light: “Mega Man! Go after Wily’s kidnapper! It might be the key to this mystery!

Mega Man: “Right! I’m on it!”

Mega Man runs off into action once again with his trusty companion Rush.

Meanwhile, standing on top of a damaged building, Proto Man also looks on as the city goes up in flames. He then disappears in the shadows, hoping to find out some answers himself…

8 action-packed Robot Masters stages.
1 secret Robot Master stage.
9 special weapons + 2 abilities for Rush.
A set of 4 final stages
An item shop where Megaman can purchase items using gathered Bolts.
A data save & load function

The Game

Battle your way through a mad onslaught of crazed machinery. The Robot Masters pour on more insane weapons than you can believe! They clank, buzz, crawl, shoot and blast from every direction. Explore every corner. Climb every ladder. Dodge, slide, leap and fire to blast your attackers or at least get away in one piece!

You start the round with 3 chances to make it through. Keep an eye on your Energy Meter at the top left corner of the screen. Your energy drains away as you take the crushing blows your foes dish out.

Keep going! Destroy all the robot fiends in the level, and you’ll get to face the diabolical Robot Master. His Energy Meter appears to the right of yours, so you can keep an eye on who’s winning!

If you lose all your chances, the game ends. But if you destroy the Robot Master, you gain his weapons. Then you can take on the next maniac!
Controlling Megaman

Default Keyboard Controls:

Move Megaman: Arrows
Climb Ladder: Arrows UP and DOWN
Jump Button: Z
Fire Button: A
Slide Button: DOWN + Z or X
L Button (Switch to Next Weapon): W
R Button (Switch to Previous Weapon): Q
Start Button (Access Status Screen): ENTER
Select Button (Access Menu Screen): ESC

You can assign both keyboard and controller inputs in the Options menu.
You must plug in a controller BEFORE starting the game.
This game has no Charge Shot ability.

Feliz vicio!!!
view post Posted: 22/6/2013, 16:29     Chronicles of Mystara - ~Juegos
QUOTE (Cosgarion @ 22/6/2013, 11:48) 
Una duda, este es remasterizado de verdad u otro escalado chusquero de capcom?

Buenas Cosgarion, la verdad que cuando me entere de la historia alucine en colores pero la verdad que me duro bastante poco... me explico: el "juego" es un port directo (usando un emulador) de las máquinas arcades con gráficos y música originales (tal vez los sfx se oyen un poco mejor) unificado todo con una UI con un par de opciones, las más importantes son la posibilidad de jugar online (con mame y killera ya se podía) hasta 4 compañeros y un sistema de logros a lo steam, xbla, psn. Los enhancements gráficos no son tales... han puesto dos filtros chapuceros y vas que te matas...

En resumen este pack va orientado a los que nunca han probado el juego/s originales y no son muy hábiles configurando emuladores... los que esperabamos algo más nos toca jodernos... una pena la verdad.

Feliz vicio!!!
view post Posted: 22/6/2013, 16:18     El zonero "BALLE-" se convierte en moderador de Zona Arcad - ~Comunicados de la Administración
Soy el primero en darte la enhorabuena... espero que el "poder" no se te suba a la cabeza jajaja y sigas siendo tan buen tipo como en los últimos años.

Ahora en serio eres un tío que esta al pie del cañón y siempre tienes un momento para contestarnos a todos como a dicho Mikonos esperemos que no tengas que "moderar" demasiado y todo el mundo se porte bien... eso si si quieres te paso mi lista negra y nos hinchamos a poner baneos.

Feliz vicio!!! sr. moderador.
view post Posted: 21/6/2013, 23:20     Chronicles of Mystara - ~Juegos
Hoy me he encontrado con esto:


Dungeons & Dragons: Chronicles of Mystara brings reworkings of two of Capcom’s classic arcade hits—Dungeons & Dragons: Tower of Doom and Dungeons & Dragons: Shadow over Mystara—together in one definitive digital package for current generation platforms. Just as in the arcades, up to four players will select their character class before doing battle against the mythical beasts from the Dungeons and Dragons’ universe with a mix of melee, range and magic attacks.

Platforms: Digital download for PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, Wii U & PC
Release Date: June 2013
Rating: T for Teen
Chronicles of Mystara Features

GGPO Enhanced Online With Drop-in/Drop-out Co-Op Play: Community-trusted GGPO powers a smooth online experience that allows up to four players to drop in or out of games in progress at will.

Classic Arcade Gameplay with a New Twist: Players can enjoy the original arcade modes or mix up the gameplay with House Rules that can completely alter the experience. Some examples of House Rules include:

Unbreakable: Equipable items have infinite durability. Never worry about breakage again!
Enemy Rush: Fight against time in this special Time Attack Mode. Start the game clock with 30 seconds and increase the clock with each enemy you kill!
Make it Rain: Get rich quick! Enemies and chests drop tons of gold!

Challenge System: A newly introduced RPG-like system that fits on top of the existing games and provides a myriad of challenges for players to complete. Players can level up and obtain Vault Coins to be used in the Vault.

The Vault: A treasure trove of unlockables and gameplay loot can be purchased with Vault Coins earned via the Challenge System.

Character Visualizer: This UI visualizer tracks which characters the players and their friends most often use. Players can utilize the tool to create a more balanced multiplayer dungeon crew, or to see which under-used characters they should try out next.

Leaderboards & Connected Arcade: Players can track how they stack up against their friends through leaderboards, as well as view a full breakdown of gameplay related stats.

Para el que no los haya jugado ahora es una buena oportunidad. Estos clásicos del hack and slash llevaron el genero (trilladisimo por parte de capcom) a un peldaño más alto añadiéndole tintes RPG.

Feliz vicio!!!
view post Posted: 21/6/2013, 23:04     Hoy es el cumpleaños del moderador"elreypescador"! Pues a felicitarle! - ~Presentaciones y Celebraciones
Ese elreypescador, me uno al resto de colegas y te deseo lo mejor en tu día... y que coño lo mejor para le resto del año también. Saludos campeón.

Feliz vicio!!!
view post Posted: 13/6/2013, 23:55     Hydorah, "retrojuego" recomendado - ~Juegos
Sep el juego esta genial... es una obra maestra del genero schump... de el hable yo en el 2011 en este post ;P, pero esta bien que lo recordemos... ademas locomalito ha sacado más juegos y la verdad que vale la pena probarlos ya que son gratuitos pero con una factura profesional.

Feliz vicio!!!
718 replies since 3/7/2011